Lily’s 1st hair cut!

We took Lily yesterday to get her FIRST hair cut! It really needed it! As you will see in the pictures, Lily wasn’t sure what to think of the process. I had to convince Nathaniel that we needed to take her to a “salon” for her first cut- not just great clips like the boys. Nathaniel finally gave in and explained to Jack and Luke…. “Now, Lily is gonna get her hair cut. And you might not even be able to tell she’s gotten anything done. But it will cost a lot of money and we will all have to tell her how nice it looks!” Sounds like Nathaniel has finally learned!!!!

Mommy explaining what she wants done…

Look at those long locks!

These faces she was making crack me up.

My very serious girl!

Can you see her bottom lip out?

Not sure if she likes her hair cut, but she is sure she likes the pink sucker!

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