Copprome Orphanage

While the bulk of the days during our trip were spent in the Mt. Olivos community, the afternoons & early evenings were reserved for fellowship with the kiddos at Copprome Orphanage. The kids at Copprome ranged from diapers to teens and we had several special experiences with them… from making a huge slip N slide on one particularly rainy day, to Easter Egg hunting, to VBS, to art projects, to taking all the kids swimming at a local pool, to tarantula hunting (catching a total of 5)!!!! The children here tugged at another part of our heart, although they were well cared for and had luxuries like clean clothes, indoor plumping and good food to eat- they were growing up without a Mom or Dad. Although the orphanage does an incredible job of becoming family- there is still a hole in their lives where a family should be. There was great contrast between all the physical needs of those in Mt. Olivos and the struggles that they faced- but at the end of the day, they were in strong families. While the children of Copprome seemed to “need” less in a material or physical sense, they needed families most of all.

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Jack and Joshua were sacked out this night at evening devotional. It’s been probably 5 years since Jack has fallen asleep in my arms like that. Nathaniel carried (all 75 lbs of) him back to bed that night. My “big” boy! Below we are posing outside the hotel 🙂 And Jack insisted I also put in a picture of us with the parrot at our hotel~ We were able to swim at the small pool behind our hotel several days and this was a highlight for J & J!IMG_2970 IMG_2809IMG_3059

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